The reverse transmembrane pH gradient of cancer cells is an important target for disease treatment and can be exploited for intraoperative histopathological analysis of cancer. However, pathologically relevant pH changes are not significant and cannot be detected by traditional Henderson-Hasselbalch-type pH fluorescent probes.

Based on the rationally designed proton forward collaborative detection mechanism, Professor Yang Youjun’s team at East China University of Science and Technology developed a new type of highly sensitive Hill-type pH fluorescent probe (PHX series) [1][1][1].

J&K Scientific provides the PHX series probes developed by Professor Yang Youjun (Figure 3).

Professor Yang Youjun is currently working at the School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology. Based on organic chemistry, the research team designs and synthesizes fluorescent dyes with special functions, and further conducts pharmaceutical-related research, including medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemical biology, etc. Research. The work was funded by the National Science Foundation, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Education Commission and other units, and the results were published in JACS (4 articles), Angew, PNAS, Anal. Chem. (5 articles), Org. Lett., Chem. Comm., J. Org. Published in high-impact journals in Chem. and other fields.

Figure 3 General structure of PHX series probes

Product name pKa Item number
PHX3.5, 97% 3.5 9189176
PHX4.7, 97% 4.7 9189175
PHX5.0, 97% 5.0 9189174
PHX5.3, 97% 5.3 9189173
PHX6.0, 97% 6.0 9189172
PHX6.4, 97% 6.4 9189171
PHX6.8, 97% 6.8 9189170


Instructions for use
When dyeing biological samples to be tested, various types of fluorescence microscopy imaging equipment can be used to monitor the dynamic changes in the fluorescence intensity of the probe.
The maximum excitation wavelength of the dye is 553 nm and the maximum emission wavelength is 575 nm. In actual use, the standard red channel of a wide-field fluorescence microscope can be used for imaging.
If you use confocal imaging or flow cytometric analysis equipment, you can choose a laser line of any wavelength in the range of 520-560 nm for excitation.


  1. Xiao Luo, Haotian Yang, Haolu Wang, Zhiwei Ye, Zhongneng Zhou, Luyan Gu, Jinquan Chen , Yi Xiao, Xiaowen Liang*, Xuhong Qian, and Youjun Yang*. Highly Sensitive Hill-Type Small-Molecule pH Probe That Recognizes the Reversed pH Gradient of Cancer Cells. Anal. Chem., 2018, 90, 5803–5809.
By 向阳 翟


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